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作者: [时间]:2015-10-17 [来源]:雅加达邮报 [浏览次数]:

《雅加达邮报》2015年10月16日讯 印尼外交部消息,日本愿意帮助印尼解决火灾和烟霾问题。源引安塔拉通讯社消息说,日本驻印度尼西亚大使宁明谷崎润一郎星期五在雅加达部长办公室表示,“日本决定向印度尼西亚提供紧急援助,包括一些特殊的化学物质”。

The Foreign Ministry has received the Japanese government's aid to tackle the fires and haze issues in several parts of the archipelago.

"Japan has decided to send emergency aidto Indonesia, which included special chemical substances," said Japanese ambassador to Indonesia Yasuaki Tanizaki at the ministry's office in Jakarta on Friday as quoted by Antara news agency.

According to Tanizaki, up to 2,000 liters of liquid fire extinguisher would arrived in Palembang in South Sumatra between Saturday and Monday. Japan will also send an expert from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to assist.

"The Japanese government is hoping that the emergency aid can be applied in a good and effective manner and will be useful to reducing the smog disaster," said Tanizaki.

On Friday, Palangkaraya Education Agency in Central Kalimantan sent home students due to worsening haze. All school activities from kindergarten to high school in the region will be halted until Saturday.

The smog at Palangkaraya's Tjilik Riwut Airport reportedly has turned yellowish in color, no longer white, which is said to be the worst condition ever in the past three months.

In Pekanbaru, Riau, privately owned Sriwijaya Air decided to suspend its domestic route to Jakarta throughout October due to low visibility.

- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/10/16/japan-sends-aid-tackle-fires.html#sthash.D0qISC2K.dpuf