《雅加达邮报》2015年9月15日讯 印尼军队与美军太平洋司令部举行联合救灾演习,演习从周一开始。参演的170名人员中有96名印尼军人,70名美军和4名平民。
The Indonesian Military (TNI) and the US Pacific Command (USPACOM) are holding a 10-day joint training titled the 2015 Gema Bhakti Staff Training in Jakarta, focusing on response coordination during disaster relief.
The training, which started Monday, is being attended by 170 participants, comprising 96 TNI personnel, 70 USPACOM personnel and four civilians.
TNI operation assistant Deputy Cmdr. Harjo Susmoro said that Indonesia and the US had a good relationship. The joint training was said to be a sign of strong military ties between the two countries.
“The training aims to upgrade the cooperation between the TNI and USPACOM on disaster relief, and to create cooperation among military and civilians, and between military and military,” Harjo said.
He believed that the forum would be a good place for participants to share knowledge and experience.
USPACOM deputy director for international operations and engagement Brig. Gen. William F. Seymour said that Gema Bhakti was a joint training between different organizations, in which civilians and military personnel should work together.
“If [we] hold training and planning in a good track, it will improve our ability to respond to disaster and will save more lives,” he said. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/09/15/national-scene-ri-us-hold-joint-training-disaster-response.html#sthash.4KtnhYKk.dpuf