印尼陆军参谋长 Gen. Mulyono在太平洋的第九军队参谋长会议期间表示,亚太地区各国军队的力量正在努力加强合作,以加强机构之间的团结协作。这将有利于创造亚太地区的稳定和和平的环境。
Army forces from countries across the Asia-Pacific region are striving to increase cooperation for the creation of stronger solidarity among institutions, a senior military official has said.
“This will lead to a safer and more peaceful condition in the Asia-Pacific region,” Army chief of staff Gen. Mulyono said as quoted by Antara on Monday. He was speaking on the sidelines of the ninth Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference (PACC) and the 39th Pacific Armies Management Seminar (PAMS) in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday.
“These conferences and seminars are aimed at increasing cooperation in the military and security fields,” Mulyono said. In the conference and seminar, participants discussed several critical issues, such as the strengthening of regional military and security cooperation. They also discussed local policies, which were aimed at strengthening multilateral military and security cooperation, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.
Mulyono said 36 Asia-Pacific countries had joined with PACC and PAMS. “As many as 26 army chiefs of staff are participating in this year’s PACC and PAMS events,” he said, adding that the events would take place from Sept. 14-17.
Participating countries include Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, China, France, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, the US, the Philippines, Tonga and Indonesia as the host country.
Meanwhile, General Mark Alexander Milley of US Army Forces Command said the US government and US military were committed to playing roles in creating stability and safety in the Asia-Pacific region.
General Milley said that the Asia-Pacific region was safe compared to the past when war and conflict was ongoing, particularly in South Korea and Vietnam.
Compared to several countries in the Middle East, such Jordan, Israel and Iraq, as well as Afghanistan in South Asia, the Asia-Pacific region could be categorized safe and peaceful; thus, the US hoped that there would be no conflict affecting countries in the region, he added.
Milley further said there should be ongoing efforts to maintain multilateral relations among countries in the Asia-Pacific region so that they could continue to maintain peace in the region.
“I’m certain that the US government will continue to support efforts to maintain peace in the region,” he added.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/09/14/asia-pacific-countries-urged-boost-military-security-cooperation.html#sthash.9qBN9lp9.dpuf