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作者: [时间]:2015-05-26 [来源]:雅加达邮报 [浏览次数]:

《雅加达邮报》5月25日电 日本首相安倍晋三重申加强同印尼双边关系的承诺,尤其是在发展基础设施建设这一领域。

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has renewed Japan’s commitment to enhancing bilateral ties with Indonesia, especially in developing infrastructure in the country.

Abe made the statement when receiving Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Tokyo on Thursday.

“I do appreciate the role of the Vice President in enhancing the two countries’ bilateral ties,” he said as quoted by wapresri.go.id.

During the meeting, Abe said that Japan was interested in constructing a seaport in Jakarta and the Jakarta-Bandung express train track.

He also expressed hope that Indonesia would play an important role in maintaining stability in the Southeast Asian region.

In his speech, Kalla said he appreciated the major role Japan played in supporting development in Indonesia.

“Even more, Japan has supported development program priorities under the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla administration,” he said.

Kalla informed Abe of changes in the Cimalaya port project, with the project’s location being moved from Cimalaya in Krawang to Indramayu.
