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作者: [时间]:2016-03-02 [来源]:雅加达邮报 [浏览次数]:

据《雅加达邮报》3月2日报道:在被赶出北雅加达的“姻缘河”红灯区后,性工作者们开始转移到位于坦摄政Dadap Cheng红灯区。

坦摄政艾哈迈德·扎基·依斯干达周三表示,二月在Dadap Cheng In红灯区的一次突袭搜查活动中,安全官员逮捕了数十名自称从“姻缘河”搬来的年轻性工作者。


在Dadap Cheng In被捕的流动性工作者在签署一份承诺不再回到该地的声明后被遣返回乡。

艾哈迈德称,性工作者的数量正在上升。他还表示,希望关闭Dadap Cheng In红灯区,艾哈迈德政府希望内政部可以提供性工作者教育和培训以获得新技能。

After being evicted from the Kalijodo redlight district in North Jakarta, sex workers have started to move to the Dadap Cheng In red-light district in Tangerang regency.

During a February raid on the Dadap Cheng In redlight district, security officers arrested dozens of young sex workers who said they had moved there from Kalijodo, said Tangerang Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar on Wednesday.

“The exodus is similar to the time when the Dolly redlight district in Surabya was closed,” Ahmed said as reported by tribunnews.com on Wednesday.

The city administration knocked down all the buildings in the redlight district on Monday. Hundreds of residents were relocated to low-cost apartments while sex workers were forced to leave the area.

The peripatetic sex workers arrested in Dadap Cheng In were sent back to their hometowns after signing a statement promising that they would not return to the area.

“The number of sex workers is increasing. They come from various regions,” Ahmed said.

Ahmed said he had notified the Home Ministry of his administration’s desire to close down the Dadap Cheng In red-light district. Ahmed’s administration hopes that the Home Ministry can provide the sex workers will education and training to equip them with new skills. (bbn)(+)