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作者: [时间]:2015-10-31 [来源]:雅加达邮报 [浏览次数]:

据《雅加达邮报》10月30日报道,海洋与渔业事务部长Susi Pudjiastuti决定不再更新海洋与渔业事务部第10/2015号关于禁止超过300亿容量的外国渔船的规定。Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has decided not to renew a fishing ban for foreign vessels of more than 30-gigaton (GT) capacity, stipulated in the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No 10/2015.

The moratorium on the foreign fishing vessels’permits will end on Oct. 31."The next stage sees us back to business as usual.

Foreign vessel must have permits, WPP (regional fishery management) registration and good governance," said Susi in Jakarta on Friday.Foreign ships that want their fishing vessel permits (SIKPI) and fishing permits (SIPI) back must be verified again. During the operation, returning foreign vessels will also be restricted to certain corridors.

"Some [corridors] have actually been banned for fishing and black-listed," she added.For nearly a year, the ministry has conducted analysis and eva luation of 1,132 banned foreign vessels.

Its results show that 769 vessels committed serious violations and 363 vessels committed minor violations.

Punitive action taken by the ministry includes the revocation of the ships’SIKPIs and SIPIs and issuing warning letters.Fisheries expert from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Arif Satria, said the moratorium, implemented since Nov. 1 last year, has led to an increase in the productivity of smaller, domestic-made vessels.

"The moratorium has had a positive impact on the productivity of vessels with a capacity below 100 GT," he said, adding that ships with capacity under 10 GT have seen their productivity rise by 1.9 percent; ships with capacity from 10 to 30 GT, a rise of 40.6 percent; and ships with capacity from 30 to 100 GT, up 52.4 percent.He also recommended the government produce fisheries policy that supported the productivity of domestic-made medium vessels, with 10 to 30 GT capacities, by providing incentives, such as access to credit. "In addition, we need new fisheries governance, new fisheries management and new fisheries development," he concluded.