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作者: [时间]:2015-06-14 [来源]:雅加达邮报 [浏览次数]:

《雅加达邮报》2015年6月13日讯 警方警告将在斋月到来前对伊斯兰捍卫者阵线(FPI)和社团,迪斯科舞厅,餐馆和食品摊开展行动。

The police are warning the Islamic Defenders’ Front (FPI) and other mass organizations against raiding entertainment centers, discotheques, restaurants and food stalls that continue operating during the upcoming fasting month.

National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti said that the police would take harsh action against mass organizations that try to crack down on open entertainment centers, restaurants and food stalls before and during the fasting month.

“No mass organizations should launch sweeping raids. If there are any, I will take harsh actions,” he said speaking at a book launch and symposium at the Jember University in Jember, East Java, on Saturday.

He stressed that mass organizations were not authorized to launch such raids. “Harsh actions will be taken against mass organizations launching raids during the Ramadhan fasting month,” he said as quoted by tribunnews.com.

The FPI and several other mass Islamic organizations launched crackdowns in urban areas during the fasting months of the past few years but no actions were taken against them.

- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/06/13/police-threatening-action-against-fpi-and-others.html#sthash.ZfQYdgUn.dpuf