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作者: [时间]:2015-06-01 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

《雅加达邮报》5月31日电 为克服潜在的全球灾难,印度尼西亚绿色和平组织活动家和公众事务观察家呼吁政府发展可再生能源和督促暂停实施原始森林与泥炭地转换。

Greenpeace calls on govt to develop renewable energy

Greenpeace Indonesia activists and concerned members of the public are calling on the government to overcome the potential for global disaster by developing renewable energy and strengthening the implementation of a moratorium on primary forest and peat land conversion.

“It will be too bad if the government fails to develop Indonesia’s renewable energy potential, including geothermal, solar and wind, in the process of developing the country’s infrastructure,” said Greenpeace Indonesia’s climate and energy campaigner Hindun Mulaika as quoted by Antara in a press statement in Jakarta on Saturday.

The activist said the government was in the process of implementing its 35,000 megawatt energy supply plan for Indonesia. Sixty percent of this energy will come from coal-powered plants (PLTU). This suggests that for the next 20 years, Indonesia will depend on coal as its main energy source, she said.

“If the government fails to reduce carbon emissions from the two biggest emission sources, Indonesia will not be able to fulfill the emission reduction commitment it made to the world,” said Hindun.

To help tackle climate change, a number of Greenpeace activists together with local communities are scheduled to hold flash mob dance performances in several cities, including Bandung, Jakarta, Padang, Pekanbaru, Purwokerto, Semarang and Yogyakarta.

Hindun said the event aimed to create public awareness of the dangerous climate changes resulting from deforestation and excessive use of fossil-based fuels.

The creative action is part of the Global Day of Action organized by Greenpeace in more than 30 countries across the world to call for action to tackle climate change, she said.
